A Reason to Go To Work
Joe shares encouragement from Psalm 90.
He Meets Us Where We Are
Jesus meets his friends after the stone is rolled away from the tomb.
When I am afraid…
Joe preaches on Matthew 6:25-34.
To God Be The Glory
Pastor Archie Moore from Greenwood Presbyterian joins us for our 25th Anniversary Celebration.
Technology: A Terrific Gift and A Terrible god
This week, we consider God’s wisdom in our use of technology.
The Misunderstanding of Tolerance
How our fear of being canceled results in our canceling ourselves.
Scripture: Ancient Truths in a Modern World
Our new series begins with a look at the supremacy of God’s word.
It’s Old, New, and You
John writes about the old and new commandment in 1 John 2:1-11.
The Joy-Full Fellowship
Our study of 1 John begins with vv. 1-4.
Never Once Did You Leave Us On Our Own
Our youth pastor Gordon preaches on Psalm 73.