First Visit with Us

As beneficiaries of God’s love, it thrills us to gather for worship on Sunday mornings. Our worship service is the highlight of our week. We never tire of receiving fresh grace and passing it along to others.

Who is welcome to attend?

Our doors are open to anyone who desires to respectfully investigate the truth claims of Jesus Christ.

What can you expect?

Upon arrival, it is almost impossible to walk in our doors without getting a smile, receiving a handshake, and being offered a great cup of coffee. Our service is at 10 a.m., and Sunday School begins at 9 a.m. We offer several topical classes for adult Sunday School, as well as Sunday School classes for children and youth. Visit the Welcome desk in the lobby to get plugged in. 

During the service, we gather to boast of our God, express thanks, encourage one another, and learn from God’s Word. Sure, we are a fairly serious group, very intentional about God’s worship and Word. At the same time, we are a joyful, comfortable, casual, and contemporary congregation­­—modern in our dress, music, language, flow, and style.

What about children?

For our youngest, we have infant and toddler nurseries beginning at 8:30 a.m. which are clean, safe, and fun. Parents are able to attend Sunday School and worship well during the service knowing their children are in loving and vetted hands. Elementary children attend Sunday School according to their age level and join us for the worship service until just before the sermon when they are dismissed to go to our Kidz Church. There, they will meet friends, expend some energy, sing to God, and learn from his Word at their own pace. And yes, if a parent desires their child stay with them, they are more than welcome to do so. At Horizon Church, we are family friendly in every way.

Then what?

In regard to our personal spiritual development, the worship service is only part of the picture. Because Christ is shaping us, we find ourselves continually hungry to think like Jesus, love like Jesus, and walk after his example. Therefore, we persistently take advantage of resources and relationships offered by our church. Self-studies, one-on-one mentorships, special classes, youth programs, services, conferences, and seminars are made available. Whether one is a child, student, seeker, or seasoned saint, we all desire to keep learning and maturing.

Fill out a Connect Card in person or online

Let’s keep in touch! 

We would love to know more about you and find out what may interest you at Horizon Church. If you have not received a copy of our brochure, please visit the Welcome Table on Sunday. There are friends ready to greet you, direct you and offer you a Connect Card so we can get to know you better.

If you prefer, fill out out our Virtual Connect Card instead!