Spiritual Growth

Through many avenues and relationships, we enjoy experiencing spiritual growth. Faithful communicators help us grow in our thinking, passion and action. We are thankful for our various classes, mentorships, and community groups, as well as the women’s ministry, men’s ministry, youth groups and children’s programs. God’s Word is held high, and He blesses us through it.

Women's Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study at Horizon Church is designed to assist other women in examining the Word of God. We study the Bible so that we can know Him and enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ, nurtured through personal Bible study and small group discussions created just for women. Women’s Bible Study will study the Sermon on the Mount in Fall 2023. The cost is $20 for Jen Wilkin’s study guide; click here to register. A nursery is provided for the morning study. 

Wednesday Mornings

Wednesday Evenings