Our Prince of Peace
Joe shares a message on the Peacemaker from Isaiah 9.
What Wondrous Love Is This
Joe shares good news from Psalm 32.
Thus Saul Died
1 Samuel concludes with the death of Saul.
The King Who Gives
David defeats the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 30.
The Battle Belongs to Our God
Gordon Carpenter preaches on 1 Samuel 17.
The Time of Our Lives
Jim Stephenson joined us Sunday to preach on Psalm 90.
Old Testament Forgiveness
Jeff Heiser from Downtown Presbyterian Church joins us to preach on Psalm 32.
A Call to War
The Spirit of the Lord rushes on Saul in 1 Samuel 11.
Who am I?
We continue our “Nonfiction” series with a message from Gordon on Psalm 8.
Technology: A Terrific Gift and A Terrible god
This week, we consider God’s wisdom in our use of technology.