Promises Fulfilled
Gordon preaches on Luke 2:22-35.
The Church Who Gives
Week 4 of Advent: The Church Who Gives
The Leader of Leaders
David saves Keilah in 1 Samuel 23:1-14.
A Call to War
The Spirit of the Lord rushes on Saul in 1 Samuel 11.
The Anointing
Saul becomes king in 1 Samuel 10.
Do We Really Believe God is Love?
John teaches us about real love in 1 John 4.
Love that Pleases Him and Them
Joe shares some encouragement from 1 John 3.
Why Do I Have a Hard Time Praying?
Joe addresses obstacles to prayer.
When the Spirit Moves
The Holy Spirit falls on disciples in Ephesus. Believers confess and repent, and the word of the Lord grows.