He Meets Us Where We Are
Jesus meets his friends after the stone is rolled away from the tomb.
A Humble Passion
Joe preaches on the stories of Jonah and Jesus’s triumphal entry.
What’s in a Name?
Gordon Carpenter preaches on Luke 7:36-50.
The Life of Present Blessings & Future Rewards
Joe’s brother John Franks joined us on Sunday to preach on Luke 6:12-26.
Walking in the Christmas Spirit
As we walk through Luke 1:26-80, we see the Holy Spirit working.
There’s Something About Mary
Our youth pastor Gordon Carpenter preaches on Luke 1:26-38.
God, Help Me Believe!
Advent begins with a story for suffering saints from Luke 1:5-25.
Disbelieving the Fake Media
Joe encourages us with truth from Luke 22:69.