Our American Idols and Enchanted Brothers
We conclude our study of 1 John with chapter 5 and a review.
Do We Really Believe God is Love?
John teaches us about real love in 1 John 4.
Apostolic or Apostate: It’s a Modern Question
We begin chapter 4 of 1 John with a lesson on testing the spirits.
Loving in Deed and Truth
In 1 John 3, we are reminded of God’s standard and Christ’s example.
The Family Practice
In 1 John 2:28-3:24, we learn what it looks like to be born of God.
Whose Fruit Is It
Joe shares an encouraging message about the True Vine.
Thriving in the Midst of Antichrists
In 1 John 2:18-28, the son of thunder booms.
The Things of Earth Growing Strangely Dim
John encourages and exhorts God’s people in 1 John 2:12-17.
The Humble Habit of the Divinely Enlightened
In 1 John 1:5-10, we see the importance of confession.
The Joy-Full Fellowship
Our study of 1 John begins with vv. 1-4.