Enjoying Christ.
Encouraging One Another.
Engaging Our World.
Sundays 10 am
| Let us walk with you.
Horizon Summer Camps
Horizon Creative Camp: Growing Girls in the image of God and Horizon Workmanship Camp: Growing Young men in the Image of God were wonderful times of fun and fellowship for all involved. We hope you can join our camps next summer the week of July 21 – 25, 2025. Registration will open March 1st for all rising 3rd to 8th graders. Until then, we invite you to come to Horizon Church each Sunday morning!
Life can be hard.
Why do it by yourself?
At Horizon Church, we are a community of worshipers, enjoying Christ, encouraging one another, and engaging our world.
Will you investigate these truths with us? Will you come join the fun? We are family, and we are waiting for you.
We’d love for you to visit.
Check us out:
Your life will become livable & eternally secured.
We are not that sharp, holy, or saintly. Sin still raises its ugly head in our desires, thinking, speaking, and actions. However, we have found comfort, community, and a cause because of Jesus Christ. We love to gather and encourage one another with the hope of the gospel.